Mentions légales et crédits

de l'Auberge Basque Contemporaine

The website is published by:

L’Auberge basque, Limited Company N° 494827868, with a registered capital of €10,000.00, registered office at 745, Vieille Route de Saint Jean de Luz, 64310 Helbarron/Saint-Pée, France, represented by Cédric Béchade.


The Auberge Basque accepts full liability for the information and services provided. The Auberge Basque strives, to the best of its ability, to ensure that the information contained on this site is both accurate and up to date, and it reserves the right to correct the content at any time and without prior notice. The Auberge Basque also advises visitors to the site that it is their responsibility to check the information provided by other means. It therefore denies all responsibility: for any inaccuracy, ambiguity or omission regarding the information available on this website; any loss or damages resulting from the fraudulent intrusion of a third party and the consequent modification of information available on the site; and, more generally, for any direct or indirect loss or damages, regardless of their cause, origin, nature or consequences, resulting from someone accessing or being unable to access the site, from using the site, and/or from the credit accorded to any information taken directly or indirectly from the site.  

Intellectual Property – Protection of Content

All trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, animated or still images, video sequences, sounds, as well as all computer applications that may be used to operate this site, and more generally all of the elements reproduced or used on this site, are protected by the intellectual property laws in force. 

Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of any or all of these elements, including computer applications, without the Publisher’s prior written consent, is strictly prohibited. The Publisher’s failure to initiate proceedings as soon as it becomes aware of these unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of said uses and waiver of prosecution.

The reproduction of any document published on the site is authorized solely for personal or private use and any reproduction and the use of any copies for other purposes is expressly forbidden. All of the trademarks mentioned on this site belong to their respective limited companies. Any product, logo or image appearing on the pages of this site is the property of its respective brand.  

<>Publication Manager

Marion Béchade

Website Host

The site is hosted by OVH,

Company with a registered capital of €10,069,020

RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045

Code APE 2620Z

VAT N°: FR 22 424 761 419

Registered office: 2, Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France


Website design, development and optimization

Graphic charter
Aurélie Vitoux

English translation
Caroline Carissoni


© Matthieu Cellard
© Dannie Hembert

Jennie Taylor/Newt Production